Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reflection on the Retreat

Sister, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are all about Joy
and sharing with you that they see God has marked you,
given you special talents
ignited you with a spark
straight out of the star filled heaven.
A spark from God's spirit
that cannot and will not be killed.

Once you are able to really
truly believe that you have
been gifted with this spark within you -
this seed of the almond tree of the New Jerusalem -
planted in your heart
watered with tears of Joy as well as sorrows
fertilized by the stories we tell ourselves
excuses we make while refusing to believe
not realizing these actions attract Jesus
instead of causing him to turn from you.

Knowing this seed has taken root
and not just sprouted
but stretches forth
reaching for the heart's home
from which it came.

You then know
with everything that is in you
that the spark - this seed -
has empowered you
to go out into the world
leaving your heart open
realizing thorns will sometimes
pierce your heart
while at other times skewer it completely
so that the blood of love
can overflow on those you meet
encouraging and enflaming
their spark to begin its
Journey of the Heart.

Where one day we all will meet
gathered into Our God's
loving embrace.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Just two more days and we will be on our way!

Associates Conference here we come!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Need Help to Plan Reception for Celebration

Sister Kieran Williams Chosen as Master Catechist of the Year

The Master Catechist of the Year Award Committee has announced that Sister Kieran Williams, I.H.M., Pastoral Administrator of Holy Trinity Parish in Williamston, is the 2012 Mary Dowling Master Catechist of the Year. This Diocesan Award is presented annually by the Department of Catholic Formation and Evangelization to a Master Catechist who emulates the love of Jesus Christ and richly shares the Catholic Faith with both children and adults.
Those that nominated Sister Kieran spoke highly of her many years of dedication and generous service to the Diocese, to the Parish of Holy Trinity and the people of Martin County.
“My experience of Sister Kieran is that she is a woman of tremendous faith and wants to share that faith with others,” said Sister Barbara Marie Cady, SU, pastoral associate at Infant of Prague Church in Jacksonville. “Her ministry at Holy Trinity includes many levels of catechesis. She is a teacher, guide, mentor and her dedication to sacramental preparation for those in her care is outstanding.”
Father Michael Kerin, GHM, pastor of the Catholic Community of Bertie County agreed. “Sister Kieran’s knowledge of Scripture, theology and pastoral minister is strong and deep. She teaches extremely well by her example of life and prayer.”
The Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge will present the Mary Dowling Master Catechist Award to Sr. Kieran on Catechetical Sunday, September 16.
Mrs. Mary DiSano, coordinator of Catechesis for the Diocese of Raleigh said, “The Mass will be a great day of celebration in the life of our faith community and for all those involved in the ministry of catechesis.”

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Having had a headache for the last four days, I thought a long walk in the cool predawn air might help clear my thoughts and ease the throbbing.  I enjoy walking into the darkness away from the house and decided that today's walk would be a slow paced not one of those power walks for weight loss.  I enjoyed the many gifts of nature: flowers in unexpected spots, birds waking up the cool refreshing air with their morning calls to each other, and sun light streaming through the tree tops.  I was joined by my neighbor's boxer named Princess. She just appeared at my side, nuzzled my hand and walked within sight of me the whole 4 miles.  Sometimes she would stand waiting as I took pictures or stopped to enjoy the songs of nature.  One time she bumped me pretty hard on my thigh and when I turned to look at her there was a man about 25 paces behind me running down the road in nothing but shorts and sneakers.  She watched him very closely and when he got close enough to ask would she bite I thought no she is a big sweetheart of a dog; but that hard bump to my leg, reminded me boxers can be a mean looking breed and she was acting as my protector right then.  I reached down patted her on the head and took a hold of her collar and told him not as long as you don't approach her.  She watched him for along time before she finally moved away from my side and continued her playful exploring.  The sun was totally up so I turned back toward the house and began retracing my steps.  The light coming through the trees giving light to the tall branches and their leaves reminded me of arms reaching up to God.  Sometimes they were the arms of God shielding what was underneath.  From time to time Princess would jump into the water in the ditches as if to cool her paws or her muzzle with the water.  Just before I got home I found a ditch full of cat tails and thought of Sister Mary Hugh and how much she liked cat tails that I had to stop and take pictures.  Below are some of the pictures I took on my walk to day.  Hope you enjoy them.