Sunday, September 23, 2012

Regional Associates Meeting Together

September 9 of this year found not one group but four groups of IHM Circle of Grace Associates all coming together in Jacksonville to start a new journey together.  Jennifer welcomed Associates from the New Bern, Rocky Mount, and Williamston Circles into her home with help from her daughter, who will be forming the newest Youth Associate Circle by connecting with Florida's Youth Circle. 
The meeting, lead by Sister Kieran this time, viewed the DVD about the Past, Present and Future of the IHM Sisters.   This DVD is a wonderful resource of information about the IHM community and the conversation afterwards could have continued well pass the time allotted for the meeting; however, Jennifer had a table filled with delicious snacks that was calling.  The New Bern Circle has volunteered to host our next meeting in October.  Looking forward to going!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Master Catechist Award

When we say New Evangelization, we are not referring to new teachings of the Church. We are speaking of the teachings of Jesus and His Gospel which are imprinted on our hearts and handed down to us through the teachings of His Church. What becomes new is the way in which we bring these teachings to others. The New Evangelization demands priests, religious, parents, teachers, catechists and agents who demonstrate a renewed zeal, enthusiasm and creativity for teaching the faith and who use all appropriate technology, tools and resources to proclaim God’s Word and our faith to others.
Today, in our Diocese, we recognize such an agent as we present to Sister Kieran Williams this year’s Master Catechist Award. Talk about enthusiasm, zeal and creativity—Sister certainly possesses all these qualities! In order to be an effective agent of the new evangelization, one must offer credible witness. Indeed, Sister Kieran is such a person! Her love for Jesus, His Mother, His Church and people is evident in her ministry and in all she does. She reflects holiness and integrity of life. An agent of the new evangelization must also possess another important quality: joy. One must show that embracing the Lord and His teaching leads to a genuine happiness that only Christ can give. Sister, your joy is contagious and we thank you for sharing it with us and all those you meet. We know of your humility and understand that you accept this award today only to encourage others to become true agents of the New Evangelization. Sister Kieran Williams, sincere congratulations to you! - Part of Bishop Burbidge Homily - for complete homily or even webcast of homily  please check out 

Thank you Bishop Burbidge for all you do for us!!!

Please view the Diocese of Raleigh's website for more pictures from the Mass and see how many IHM Sisters and Associates you can find in the pictures and be sure post your answer in the comment section.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sister Kieran Thanks the Knights

While the Knights were there as the Honor Guard for Bishop Burbidge, it was Sister Kieran giving hugs of appreciation for their service at the Mass for Catechetical Sunday where she received the Mary Dowling Award for Master Catechist of the Year 2012.  To name everyone who was instrumental in the presentation, planning and preparing the Award Ceremony and Reception after the Mass; takes the chance of leaving someone off, please know each of you has been lifted up in prayers of appreciation and thanksgiving!
(pictures courtesy of  Jason Martin)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Be the Peace

Dear Friends,
 Thank you for welcoming me into your Circle of Grace yesterday. It WAS truly a graced moment for me. Sister Kieran tells me you had some conversation around the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) I am attaching a site where you can listen to Sister Mary Hughes’ response to the National Press Club. She is quite informative and representative of the circumstances and the position of LCWR. I think you will find her woman truly rooted in God and in the Gospel.

Also, I am including the peace prayer I prayed with you yesterday.  It is from Macrina Wiederkehr’s book, Seven Sacred Spaces.

Be the Peace

In this the hour of the [afternoon] sun,
We raise our hands to the peaceful one.
And now is the hour to pray for peace,
For kindness, compassion to increase.

So let us be the change we wish to see.
Let us bow to each other and say
That we will be the peace for which we long.
This is our promise. This is our song….

Now is the hour for peace to flower.
Now is the hour for peace to flowr…

S. Jean Louise
Sister Jean Louise Bachetti, IHM
Director of IHM Associate Relationship

Friday, September 7, 2012

Companions on the Journey

Leaving Bear Grass at 11:30 Sunday morning, traveling to New Bern by 1:10 and then onto Jennifer's.  Please bring your journals and calendars.  Looking forward to seeing everyone and having a great day!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Today’s gospel reading was from Mark 7, “You disregard God’s commandment but cling to human tradition.”…”Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.”  …”From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts,”

Father Bill in his homily explained this by saying we tend to disregard God’s Commandments and cling to the laws made by man.  We forget that by accepting Jesus we become part of the divine and should be clinging to God’s divinity instead of the traditions of man, but we separate ourselves from the divine when we live by our bodies instead of our brains.  Father went on to explain that every time we have a thought it produces chemicals in our bodies.  These chemicals bring on reactions in our bodies that cause us to accept or reject the actions around the thought.  As Christians, we are called to take on the mind of Christ, which means we are to be doers of the Word even when we do not understand.  We are to take care of the orphans and the widows; who represent the non persons of our times, the people who are dependent on others.  If we do this even when we do not understand, our predictable way of thinking changes our very being of who we are.   We become the body of Christ we are called to be. 

I had not thought about it in this way before but it seems to make really good sense.  There are times when first impressions, first thoughts, have caused unexplained physical reactions.  Those times when the heart starts racing for no reason, or the knees turn weak, or the stomach starts rumbling.  Those times when you see someone and you either think I am so glad to see them or oh no, I can’t deal with them now.   Our mind’s thoughts cause chemical reactions that influence our body’s reactions and those reactions influence our thoughts.  By taking on the mind of Christ, we are to no longer think the way man thinks but the way Christ thinks.  By thinking, doing and acting the Way of Christ we become doers of the Word, part of the divine, joined with Christ to the Father. 

What do you think? 
 What did you hear about the Gospel reading today where you are at?