Speaking of Wisdom, the Tao te Ching (Book of the Way) says, “Approach and there is no
beginning; follow and there is no end. You can’t know it, but you can be it, at ease in your own
life. Just realize where you come from; this is the essence of wisdom.” Where we come from is
the heart of Jesus. We are part of the Christian tradition which has kept the light of prophetic
faith alive for over 2,000 years. Like the disciples before us, the light that shines in each of us
isn’t perfect. It is incomplete. At times it feels dim. At other times, we try to hide it. And yet,
when joined with the light of others, we become part of a holy constellation, reaching out to
dispel hatred, fear and violence.
In today’s Scripture, Isaiah reminds us that we are to be bearers of this light, saying, “Arise,
shine, for your light has come, and the glory of God has risen upon you.” We are to continue the
journey as bearers of the light. We are to be spotless mirrors of the workings of our God, actively
reflecting the light of Wisdom in our living and loving, in our words and actions, to our families
and friends, to strangers and enemies, at the center and margins of our lives. The light we are
called to bear is nothing less than the fire that purifies, cleanses and reduces injustice to ashes.
For it is the fire of holy Wisdom, against which evil cannot prevail.
This reflection is from Illuminating
the Passage Within: Advent Reflections 1998.
Nancy Small is a Pax Christi USA Ambassador of Peace and the former national
coordinator of Pax Christi USA