Thursday, March 15, 2012

An Associate's Prayer for IHM Vocations

Let us in this lighting a candle as a reminder that Christ is the Light of the World and that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

As we lift our minds and hearts to God in prayer, we humbly ask for an increase in vocations to the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Through the example of St. Alphonsus, we seek the intercession of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, our model as a witness of saying “yes” to the Will of God. 

We lift our minds and hearts to you, Lord, as we recall the zeal for a religious life envisioned by Theresa Maxis Duchemin and Louis Florent Gillet. We ask your intercession to continue the founders’ zeal by making our hope of new vocations to the IHM Sisters – a reality.  Help us to build on their vision in today’s world and to share their faith and their work according to Your Will.

As Associates, we are called to be people of prayer.  We come to you, Loving God, as a community of faith, hope and love, following the example of Jesus’ message and mission.  Through our prayers and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we pray that many will recognize and respond to their vocational call as an IHM Sister.

Finally, let us strengthen the mutual relationship between IHM Sisters and Associates so that together we can continue to build the Reign of God and proclaim the Good News of Jesus' redemptive love for all.  We ask these things in Jesus' name.  Amen.

            Written by the IHM Associates from North Beach, Maryland
                                                                                    August 15, 2011

Don't forget Sunday, March 25, 2011 
at 2 PM is our next meeting

Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

This coming Monday, March 19, 2012 is the fourth meeting of the IHM's Unconscious Racism seminar.  The webinar will be available for anyone who would like to take part at Holy Trinity Parish Home.  Each webinar starts with someone sharing their story, followed with a break for the individual sites to share discussion about what they just heard, and then continues with each site being able to share with all the other sites what  observations about the life story have touched them.  The last session's speaker even left us with two questions to consider about her story and then came back to share her answers to those two questions which spurred deeper conversations.  These webinars are well prepared and truly bring their topic of Unconscious Racism forward and allow for meaningful dialogue.  Please consider attending!

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