Fears are simply the flip sides of desires. You fear losing what you most desire. So one of the best things you can do your yourself ever, not just in your writing, is figure out what you fear. This will unlock all sorts of rooms inside you that have grown moldy and stuffy as you tried to ignore them.
Writing Exercise
Come up with more complete expressions of these statements - that is, look for desires or fears that may be lurking underneath the obvious words:
"I'm tired and would like to go home now."
I'm tired and would like to go home now, I desire peace and quiet.
I'm tired and would like to go home now, because my son has taken my car and not picked my up after work like promised. Where is he, has something happened, why am I left to set and wait for him again.
I'm tired and would like to go home, now just to get away from real life and not have to deal with everything.
"Why am I being so bossy?"
Why am I being so bossy? because you won't listen and because you won't listen I fear you may get hurt.
Why am I being so bossy? because you keeping making bad decisions.
Why am I being so bossy? because I am tired of being the strong one having to take care of things.
"What I really need is to go eat chocolate in some form."
What I really need is to go eat chocolate in some form because it is my comfort food that allows me to focus on it, the taste, the smoothness, the enjoyment of it and stop stressing over life.
"These are the house rules, and as long as you live here, you will abide by them."
These are the house rules, and as long as you live here, you will abide by them. How I wish you would, you have broken them so many times, they are useless to you and us now. You seem to take delight in breaking the rules; to the point that if I don't remind you what they are, I have a better chance of you following them.
Finish these sentences: if you like, finish them multiple times.
"My life would improve so much if only. . . ."
. . . .you would grow up, realize your responsibilities are your responsibilities and quit looking to me to solve them for you.
. . . .I could cut me emotions off and not feel anger when you walk into a room.
. . . .I let you go from my life.
"When I have a few minutes to daydream, this is where my thoughts go . . . "
. . . .outside, in nature, a cool but sunny day sitting under a big tree in a comfortable chair reading. The sounds of nature all around, birds chirping, animals scampering, slight breeze. As the day goes along maybe a nice hammock to lay in. As the sunlight peaks in and out of the leaves overhead forcing your eyes to close, the gently rocking, an unhurried afternoon nap.
. . . .walking a path through the woods, finding a creek meandering, places where the water forms a pool with a moss covered log at the edge to sit and contemplate nature in all her beauty. Ground covered in leaves of many colors but the trees not having turned them all loose to fall to the ground yet. Cool enough that you want a light jacket but warm enough that when walking you can take it off to wrap around your waist or shoulders. The fish reflecting rainbow colors in the water as they come up looking for insects walking on the water.
. . . . if it has been a really stressful time, I like to close my eyes and go to the mouth of a cave in the middle of the woods, with rain falling outside. Jesus and I sit there with a warm fire burning behind us, talking as we watch the storm go by until the thunder and lightening have moved off a great distance and the rain water is dripping from the leaves of the trees and branches. Depending on the length of the conversation is the length of the storm and some times I have fallen asleep leaning against Jesus.
I am trying to believe that Divine Desire is expressing itself through my life. But I need to get out of the way! I need to listen and be honest. I need to honor my wants and follow them to their core. I need to name my fears and stay in the same room with them until I know what to do. Help!
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