Friday, February 24, 2012

Here's Some Great New Catholic Music

I just downloaded Catholic singer/songwriter Donna Cori Gibson's latest single FREE! She's giving away the first song from her new album \"The Way of the Cross - a song for each station\" for free, but only for a limited time so download it while it's still available. It's worth a listen. Download it here:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meeting this Sunday, Feb 26

Ash Wednesday

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today we begin the liturgical Season of Lent with the evocative rite of the imposition of ashes through which we wish to commit ourselves to converting our hearts to the horizons of Grace.  People generally associate this Season with the sadness and dreariness of Life.  On the contrary, it is a precious gift of God, a strong time full of meaning on the Church's path; it is the journey that leads to the Passover of the Lord.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us setout confidently and joyfully on the Lenten journey.  Forty days separate us from Easter; this "strong" season of the liturgical year is a favourable time which is granted to us so that we may attend more closely to our conversion, listen more intensely to the word of God and intensify our prayer and penance.

May Mary, our guide on the Lenten journey, lead us to ever deeper knowledge of the dead and Risen Christ, help us in the spiritual combat against sin, and sustain us as we pray with conviction: "Converte nos, Deus salutaris noster" ----"Convert us to you, O God, our salvation". Amen!
Selections from


Basilica of St. Sabina
Ash Wedneday, 9 March 2011

Looking forward to seeing everyone this Sunday
at Holy Trinity Parish House at 3 PM

Sunday, February 19, 2012

We are each of us a bit of God

We are each of us
a bit of God,
a scrap of divinity.
If we would know it,
Oh! If only we could know it,
we would walk the earth
in awe,
eyes shining in splendor,
hearts suspended in light
at the miracle
of the living God
gracing our days
and nights.

--Edwina Gately

Rest in the conviction of this awareness.


Sister Jean Louise Bachetti, IHM

Director of IHM Associate Relationship

Thursday, February 9, 2012

On February 4, 2012 Holy Trinity was honored to celebrate World Day of Consecrated Life by hosting Sister Ruth from the IHMs.  She shared a reflection on Paul, Jesus and St Francis and how all three knew they were called to preach because of the time all three spent in prayer.  She reminded us of a quote by St. Francis, “Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”  She continued her reflection with the 3 Aspects of Hospitality:

1.       Welcome

2.       Storytelling

3.       Mission


When giving a party most of us invite our family and friends; however, what would happen if we invited a stranger, the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the homeless?  When we welcome them into our home with God they too may know God.

This means I should welcome them as a receiver by being accepting of them as they are, give them the space to be who they are, be open to receive the Gift God is giving me through this person that I have welcomed into my home. 


We all have stories of pain and misery to tell, stories of courage and faith, joys and triumphs.  We must create the environment where everyone can share their story.  We need to be willing to listen and receive their stories, by doing this we give them a chance to give their stories voice.  We must be flexible and open to receive their story.  We need to believe that the stranger has something to tell us. 

Those who live consecrated life take vows of dedication to many people instead of just one person in marriage.  The dedicated themselves to welcoming and storytelling with all people.


We are all called to preach the gospel and to grow in holiness.  The heart of hospitality is for the giver and the receiver to be changed through their relationship.  Hospitality is really about stories listened to and dreams nurtured to become reality. 

These 3 aspects are the heart of being a disciple; for we are all called to preach the Gospel with our lives, to have open hearts, to smile, to welcome all into our hearts and live justly with all people.

These are the reflections I received from Sister Ruth’s message.   While I cannot tell you word for word what she said this is what I took from it.  I pray that I am not too far off in the message she was trying to give and if I am it is me and not her error.  She also shared with us the parable of the pencil maker which is another story for another day.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Announcement from Feburary 2011 IHM Newsletter

New IHM BLOG to Launch in March

We need your help! Writers and responders wanted! Our next adventure in the
area of social media is the launching of a new IHM BLOG. Why? Primarily we
need to be a presence in the digital world where young and old are looking for information
and answers. Beginning March 1 we will launch our new IHM BLOG. We
will be asking five sisters each month to initiate a conversation on such topics as:
religious life, prayer, community, ministry, and peace and justice.
Blogging gives us visibility, establishes a public face, and provides us with an opportunity to create an IHM image. Blogging allows online readers to get to know IHM: our charism; our way of life; our spirituality; our passion for justice; our mission and more. We hope this blog will enable readers to get an inside look at religious life as an IHM and to enter into a relationship with us by offering comments, exchanging ideas, and asking questions.  We want to encourage EVERY IHM to respond to the monthly blogs, with her own insights, experiences, comments and wisdom. Encourage others to REACH OUT: to visit our new website; LIKE us on FACEBOOK or join in the enriching, meaningful and life-giving conversation on the IHM BLOG.

I could not have said it any better myself and I promise to pass along the URL as soon as this is published to the web. 

Unconscious Racism Symposium

This series, sponsored by the OSP IHM Healing Racism Committee continues the conversation
begun at the Unconscious Racism Symposium in April, 2011. The Power of the Story will feature
personal stories and discussion about how unconscious racism touches lives.
As with the original symposium, this series will use WebEx technology to
connect audiences in multiple geographic locations. Sisters and their friends and
colleagues are invited to participate. Each session will stand alone, participation
in previous sessions is not required. Sessions will be conducted approximately
once a month (dates to be announced) and will be one and a half hours in
Each of the four congregations providing this series will sponsor up to six
locations. Please contact Sister Kathleen Burns at or
call 570-342-9393 to propose your location. Requirements: A computer with
high speed Internet connection, webcam, large screen display/projector to
accommodate the size of audience. The next session will be Wednesday,
February 29, 7:00-8:30 p.m. and sponsored by the Immaculata IHMs. The
speaker will be Margarette Shovlin.

This announcement is from the Feburary 2011 IHM Newletter

January 27, 2012 saw Holy Trinity Parish Home one of the sites for the second in these five part series on Unconscious Racism.  Seven attendees listened to Alejandra Marroquin, IHM Associate, share her story.  After hearing her speak on her expereinces, there was a sharing time where thoughts could be shared.

Be a part of this conversation to raise your own consciousness of the attitudes of racism of which we are often unaware.  Learn to recognize and work to heal these attitudes in yourself and to help those around you to do the same.  Next webinar is scheduled for Feb 29.