Wednesday, May 22, 2013

On our Way Soon!

We are on our way to New Bern to welcome 4 new Associates today with their covenant signing.

 We are so happy to have been able to spend time with Sister Jean Louise and with Sister Carol Tuesday evening and to pray with them.  Sister Jean Louise introduced us to a new song, "You Are Called to Tell the Story" by Marty Haugen.  We have talked in the past of God Winks and how comforting they can be.  We have talked about hearing God speak to us in many and varied ways; through others, through readings, through nature, through art, even a gentle breeze.  Once again He was there with us in the gathering of our circle. I had something in the back of my mind I did not share it with the circle (I did share it with Sister Jean Louise afterwards), God let me know he had heard me and gave me my answer at the same time in Sister Jean Louise's reflection for the night.  
On the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, due to circumstances that have come about, I will be leading our parish family in a scripture and communion services that week. While I  lead these services in awe that I have been given this gift, I am well aware of the ones that will not attend due to the fact that it is a scripture and communion service and not a Mass.  I feel their disappointment when this happens and I question "am I one one to be leading this service?".

Here are some of the words to this song and an answer to my question.

You are called to tell the story,
passing words of life along...

You are called to teach the rhythm...
hand in hand with strangers, friends,

You are called to set the table...
feeding all with signs of love.

and the reflection by Monika K Hellwig  ..."We are called to active leadership in the church and in the world."
We ended with a quote by T S Elliot, "Lead us, guide us O Wisdom Sophia, "Do [we] dare?...Do [we] dare/Disturb the universe."  

All I could do is laugh and as Maggie would say, "Yes Lord, I hear you."  Do I dare, do I dare to lead this scripture and communion service?  Yes Lord, I dare but only with your wisdom and guidance calling me to tell your story.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

You are Invited to an Open House

The Seniors of Holy Trinity would like to invite you to an Open House at the Parish House in Bear Grass this coming Sunday from 12 - 4 to say Thank you to Sister Kieran for all that she has done for the Parishoners.  If you have a Facebook page, please check out The Enterprise link for this Friday's paper and see the front page article entitled "Williams' tenure in Martin county comes to an end."  Once the paper comes out tomorrow I will try to post the whole article here for everyone to see. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cracked ones are the ones that let in the light.

This is a quote by David Ogilvy that I have hanging in my office that went along with our last discussion.  As your May 7 retreat day approaches, I pray that Mother Mary will be with each of you, wrapping her mantal around you, leading you to her son, our brother Jesus, so you may rest in Him.