Sunday, January 13, 2013

Circle Meeting Today

January usually brings such cold weather; however, today was warm and sunny for the Associates meeting in New Bern. So warm we stopped at the park in New Bern before the meeting to see the water and the ducks. Edgar and Jennifer took a stroll along the water way and enjoyed the sites and smells of the water.
 While the St Paul’s Church was still decorated for the last day of Christmas (Joy was working diligently to take down the decorations and pack them away for next year) and thoughts of the snow in Scranton were discussed,

 the warm weather drew us outside to enjoy the sunshine as we shared the message of the day.
The new book from the IHM Sisters’ Lessons from Life was discussed and favorite stories from the book were shared.  After we broke into individual groups, I shared how Sister Amanda Del Alle’s story Milagros from the book had touched me.  I have thought to ask God for a lot of things in my life but never a rose.  Her request for a red rose as a sign of God’s presence really made me stop and contemplate how she must live her love every day to be able to ask in such simplicity for a red rose.  Which in my thoughts lead me to see it not just as a sign of God’s presence but a sign of his love as well.  This lead to a discussion of other things we have asked of God or other times we knew he had made his presence known to us.  Then when we came back together with the other groups, Jennifer from the Youth Group begins by telling Maggie how much she likes her poem “Give Me a Rose”.
“Give me a rose, while I yet live
  Don’t wait until my death before you give.

   If you have not a rose, a daffodil will do.
   I’ll cherish it . . . because it came from you.”

There is more to this poem but you will have to ask Maggie; for her rendition of the poem, she gives the words more power then I can share here.
For the closing prayer, we were joined by Sister Monica and her friend who shared her story with us.  It seems they have been discussing Sister Monigue’s return to Marywood when she is ready to retire; while her friend, Irene, does not have a place to look forward to, but is looking into her options.  After spending time discussing this, they had lunch together and upon opening their fortune cookies, Irene's fortune was “You are going to have a comfortable old age.”  Not will have or going to have but are going to.  This lead to a discussion of how we are taught to Walk by Faith for God has everything planned out for us.  This walking in faith brings peace and comfort to the soul like nothing else in the world can do.
Another book recommended for reading was When God Winks at You, a gathering of short stories describing how God uses coincidences to send us encouragement.  Kind of how Maggie and I were discussing Sister Amanda's story about the Red Rose and then Jennifer asked Maggie about her Poem "Give Me a Rose."  Coincidence?  I think not! I think we were winked at right then!

The meeting for next month was set for February 17 at 2 pm at St Paul's in New Bern.  

Please feel free to share what you found interesting, moving or something that just touched you in a special way.  For the ones that were not able to attend know you were missed, prayed for, and we look forward to seeing you in February. 
Peace to all.

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